Hottest Hair Trends of 2019

Spring is the perfect time for a change, and what better change can you think of than a change in your hairstyle? Here at Joseph & Friends Salon & Spa, we have just what you need to achieve that sense of change you’re looking for. To help inspire you before your next appointment, we’ve rounded up a list of the hottest hair trends so far this year. Read on and let us know which one you can’t wait to try!
Blunt bob. This is no secret: the blunt bob showed up on the scene last year and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. One length with blunt ends falling about halfway between your ear and your shoulder will do wonders for your bone structure. Keep your cut looking precise and even by trimming the ends every four to eight weeks, and this style will last as long as you wish!
Gray hair. Age is just a number, and the beauty industry is finally embracing the natural process of aging! Not only are we still seeing an increasing number of women dying their hair gray, but many are also embracing their natural grays as well.
Super-straight. Throw back to the early naughts, super straight hair has arrived once again. Beachy waves are being replaced with sleeker, more polished looks, so make sure your straightener is up to the challenge.
Accessories. From the humble hair clip to more statement bows and ribbons, hair accessories have been in the limelight in recent months. One of the more popular styles we’ve been seeing lately is hairpins with words or logos on them, so you can literally make a statement.
Are you ready for a change in your hairstyle? The experts at Joseph & Friends Salon & Spa are ready for you! Book an appointment online, or download our free mobile app from the AppStore, Google Play, or Amazon.